Saturday 3 August 2013

Tips Get Six Pack

Tips For get Six Pack Abs

Step 1 : Eat Enough Protein
  Protein will help you to buil lean muscle as well as burn body fat. out of all macronutrients
lean protein has the highest thermogenic effect on the body which makes it is most important macronutrients of all , because your body burns a ton of calories breaking it down. this is the reason why professional athlets and competitive bodybuilders eat diat that is high in leadn protein and this is not only for men but women also.

Step 2 : Eat Post Workout Carbs

Most of people belive in that carbohydrates are bad and they will make you fat but this is wrong,
eating to much of anything will make increse your weight , but natural grain or starchy cabs as sweet potatoes,brown rise and oatmeal are quite benificial in your six pack quest , especially
when consumed post workout. when you eat carbs post workout ,they have the smallest chance of turning into body fat.Try to eat moderate of carbs and 1 to 2 cups of vegitables whith each meal this will ensure that your body gets vitamins,minerals,antioxidants and fibres 

Step 3 : Eat Healthy Fats

Make sure you include healthy fats primarily from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as raw nuts, nut butters, fish oils, and olive oils into your diet.Dietary fat from these sources will keep your insulin levels stable, which is very important if your goal is to lose belly fat and get six pack abs. I am not saying to go out there and eat an entire bag of Planters Cashews.I am simply saying that you do not need to be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. With all of the so called "low fat diet" gurus out there and the huge amount of negative press about fats, it is easy to mistakenly believe that eliminating fats from your diet is good. But it is actually a dietary disaster, especially if you want a head turning physique.By combining lean protein with the correct types and amounts of green leafy vegetables, good carbs, and fats you will begin to super charge your metabolism and turn your body into a 24-7 fat burning machine.

Step 4 :  Focus On Your Diet

In order to burn fat and reveal your washboard, six pack abs, it is important to eat a balanced diet that is made up of protein, healthy fats, and some carbohydrates.Protein helps form the building blocks of muscle and is probably the most essential macronutrient of them all, mainly because your body burns a ton of calories digesting protein.Calculating the right amount of carbohydrates to eat can be tricky, but a good strategy to use is to eat most of your carbs post-workout.When you intake carbs post-workout your body quickly absorbs the carbs directly into the muscle tissue, promoting growth. Post-workout carbs also help your muscles recover faster, which will give you better results faster.Many people believe that eating fat will make you fat, but in reality, healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as fish oils, nuts, and olive oil will actually help you burn more fat than a low fat diet will.Dietary fat in your diet will kelp keep insulin levels stable, which will help prevent you from gaining additional body fat.The last diet tip is to include plenty of fiber and raw vegetables with each meal. Vegetables are jam packed with tons of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which are all essential for building a lean body and ripped six pack abs.

Step 5 : Stop Doing Thousands Of Crunches

Compound, multi-joint, total body movements will promote more total fat loss and promote a much bigger muscle building response than crunches and sit-ups ever will.Personally, I think that it is completely pointless to waste an hour of your time doing hundreds of useless crunches and sit-ups when that hour could be spent doing exercises that are more productive for fat loss.
Working as a fitness model, You will do generally  work abs for about 20 minutes two or three times per week. There is just no reason to work abs any more than this! Here is a list of great compound exercises that you should have in your workout program:
  1. Barbell Squats
  2. Dumbbell Lunges
  3. Barbell Deadlifts
  4. Military Press
  5. Dips
  6. Close-Grip Bench Press
  7. Pullups
  8. Bench Press
  9. Pushups
Step 6 : Use Smarter Cardio Methods

I'm sure you've probably heard that the best way to burn fat is to do long duration cardio at a slow to medium pace. This fat loss method is decent, but there is a much better way. I suggest doing interval workouts combined with abdominal exercises.During the active recovery period of your interval workout, perform an ab exercise. For example, if you are doing interval sprints on a stationary bike or treadmill, run for 30 seconds at your maximum speed.

Hop off of the machine and immediately perform a set of 20 exercise ball crunches. Get back on the machine and crank it back up again. Repeat 5-8 times.

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