Saturday 24 August 2013

‘Bone Season’ author suggests 5 other books of dark futures

“The Bone Season”  Author Samantha Shannon Suggest that If you like the book "Thr Bone Season" here are her recommended readings while you await the book’s sequel like below

  1. ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess : “Burgess creates a fictional argot called Nadsat, influenced by Russian, which teenagers use to communicate in a bleak and violent future. I'm not a linguist and I knew I couldn't sustain a dense argot for the whole of ‘The Bone Season,’ but ‘A Clockwork Orange’ did inspire me to introduce a criminal slang, giving the novel some linguistic color.”
  2. ‘Daughter of Smoke & Bone’ by Laini Taylor: “The first in a trilogy, this is a wildly inventive, dark fairy tale about angels and chimaera, mostly set in Prague. It has a bit of ‘Pan's Labyrinth’ about it. Laini Taylor has a writing style I really envy: lyrical, sensual and evocative without ever being pretentious. The novel reads a little like a poem, a love-song to the mysteries of the world.”
  3. ‘The Handmaid's Tale’ by Margaret Atwood: “This is the book that introduced me to the dystopian genre. The narrator, Offred, has a voice that teeters between passivity and agitation, and the world Atwood creates is truly frightening: ritualistic, brutal and misogynistic  with uncomfortable echoes of reality.”
  4. ‘I, Robot’ by Isaac Asimov: “I'm a huge fan of all of Asimov's robot stories. This collection is particularly thought-provoking and sometimes disturbing. His robot characters are often more 'human' than the scientists that work with them. Asimov tackles the timeless question of what humanity is, what it means and who has it, which is a subject I look at through the Rephaim in ‘The Bone Season.’
  5. ‘1984’ by George Orwell: “This is classic dystopia. The last sentence haunted me for weeks after I finished it. Orwell's characters demonstrate why I like writing dystopia: they break, they turn on each other, they fear and weep and feel terrible pain. Dystopia forces characters to their limits, allowing you to see sides of them you might never otherwise have seen.”

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